Keeping their cool: Coates’ rapid response for Boral

Each January, Boral delivers a planned shutdown at its Berrima Cement Works facility in NSW – an event Coates Industrial Solutions has supported for 27 years with equipment hire, on-site tool stores and experienced personnel.

In addition to the planned maintenance activities during a recent shutdown, Boral needed a spot cooling system to provide temperature relief for the contractors servicing the kiln’s conveyor in the 50-plus degree heat of the shed.

Boral has successfully managed this challenge for the past seven years with another supplier, but it was the first time the company called on Coates to provide a cooling solution.

Harnessing the collective expertise of its industrial solutions and power and HVAC teams, Coates devised an in-house solution to rapidly reduce the temperature and ensure the continuity of Boral’s operations.

“The power and HVAC division implemented a standalone spot cooling system, positioned above the kiln’s heated clinker conveyor belt,” Coates power and HVAC manager Kurt Edwards said.

Image: Coates

This solution effectively addressed the critical needs of Boral.

Jimmy Cergovski, industrial solutions manager for NSW at Coates, underscored the key role played by the seamless integration of the industrial solutions and power and HVAC divisions in achieving a successful outcome for Boral.

“The on-site tool store played a central role in coordinating efforts, helping us to avoid multiple phone calls and potential delays,” he said.

“Both departments collaborated closely to provide a comprehensive solution, a critical factor within the demanding thermal and ventilation conditions.”

The collaborative effort ensured maintenance works could continue safely and on schedule.

“This project is a testament to what we can achieve when two specialised areas of our business collaborate with a focused commitment to customer service,” Cergovski said.

The process, from preparing the spot cooling equipment at the branch to getting the system up and running on site, was completed in 36 hours.

“From start to finish, this whole operation went very smoothly and highlighted Coates’ ability to respond rapidly and appropriately to the immediate needs of our customers, which is key to what we do,” remarked Edwards.

Coates power and HVAC’s capabilities meant that Boral was spared the typical outsourcing complications such as coordination delays and additional costs.

The success of this operation underscored the benefits of Coates’ in-house management of complex challenges.

“By handling everything internally, we offered Boral a streamlined, more efficient process, from communication to invoicing,” Edwards said.

Image: Coates

Mick Davis, the asset planning superintendent at Boral’s Berrima plant, emphasised the benefits brought by Coates with their strategic investments in their fleet and progressive project approach.

“Given Coates’ commitment to delivering innovative, top-tier, and cost-effective equipment and solutions, it’s a clear choice for us to partner with them,” he said. “Their recent HVAC solution for our shutdown exemplifies Coates’ dedication to meeting our specific requirements.”

Cergovski notes the value of Coates’ ability to integrate different specialties within the company for future project success.

“There’s a lot of projects that Coates has looked at with customers where both our expertise from industrial solutions and power and HVAC are needed,” he said, pointing out the benefit of having diverse capabilities in-house.

This approach positions Coates for a future where collaboration among its various divisions will continue to deliver efficient and comprehensive solutions.

Coates industrial solutions and Coates power and HVAC, through its collaborative efforts, have proven to be invaluable partners for industry leaders like Boral.

The ability to respond rapidly and effectively to unique challenges makes the company the go-to choice for professional, dependable, and customised industrial solutions. Visit the website today.