Building a resilient tomorrow: Concrete actions for global leaders

The following report was published in January 2024 in collaboration with the World Economic Forum.

Since its launch in 2022, the Resilience Consortium has aimed to harmonize and reinforce resilience building efforts across the public and private sectors. To do so, it released two comprehensive reports focusing on identifying themes and the enablers required to start building resilience.

Since opening the floor to such conversations, the consortium has shone a light on numerous remarkable examples of resilience from the private and public sectors. However, it would be unrealistic to assume that there is not much work to be done. The time to act is now, and organizations need to move from “talking the talk” to “walking the walk.”

To put resilience into action, the consortium believes showcasing examples from organizations that have already embarked on this journey is vital, as it can serve as a source of inspiration for those looking to embark on or progress further along their path towards resilience. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of nine case studies across three resilience themes: climate, energy, and food; supply chain; and organizational readiness. These case studies cover the public and private sectors, impacting four continents.

The case studies represent a spectrum of initiatives that showcase the diverse approaches organizations are taking to enhance resilience and adapt to global challenges. The insights derived from them, along with the dialogues the consortium has engaged in over the last two years, have enabled the identification of seven priority actions across three pillars: building the resilience muscle with new leadership and organizational capabilities; understanding, measuring, and monitoring your organization along its entire resilience journey; and developing public-private partnerships to address challenges no one party can tackle alone. These actions are intended to serve as guiding principles for senior leaders as they strive to strengthen their ability to thrive in a risk-prone world.