Ma’aden on the role of technology & innovation to drive sustainability and efficiency – International Mining

Ma’aden is among the fastest-growing mining companies in the world and the largest multi-commodity mining and metals company in the Middle East. It pioneered the mining industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, building a world-class, unique and fully integrated mining value chain. It also recognises the importance of technology and innovation in terms of driving sustainability, enhancing operational efficiency, and accelerating exploration efforts. Ahead of the Third Edition of the Future Minerals Forum in Riyadh in January, IM Editorial Director Paul Moore had the chance to talk to Ma’aden VP of Technology and Innovation, Saud Al-Mandil.

Ma’aden VP of Technology and Innovation, Saud Al-Mandil

Q How important is technological advancement and innovation as part of Ma’aden’s wider 2040 strategy and transformation plans?

Ma’aden recognises that technological advancement and innovation are not just peripheral considerations but foundational enablers for the company’s 2040 strategy and transformation plans. As we strive for 10x growth by 2040, we understand that embracing and investing in the latest technological trends is essential to unlocking the full potential of the mineral resources in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The mineral resource endowment value of the Kingdom is now estimated to be US$2.5 trillion (announcement made during FMF 2024) from initial base estimates of US$1.3 trillion, underscoring the incredible wealth and opportunity that lies within our reach. This revised value reinforces our commitment to leveraging technology and innovation to maximise the value and sustainability of these resources.

In the pursuit of strategic objectives, companies in the mining sector must find technological solutions to enhance operational efficiency, boost productivity, reduce costs, and make informed, data-driven decisions. Ma’aden is fully aware of this urgency and is actively engaging in technological advancements to position ourselves at the forefront of the industry.

Moreover, technology and innovation play a critical role in our ambition to develop a world-leading mining sector in Saudi Arabia and address the global challenges faced by the industry. By adopting low-emission technologies, we are not only advancing crucial sustainability objectives but also mitigating potential environmental risks associated with mining operations. Additionally, technology allows us to unlock new growth avenues and adapt to a dynamic global market. By staying adaptable, we can leverage emerging opportunities and drive long-term prosperity for Ma’aden and all our stakeholders.

Q What steps and initiatives are Ma’aden taking to integrate technology and innovation for sustainable mining practices and address key sustainability challenges, especially in areas like water conservation and operational waste?

The mining sector is increasingly looking at technology to act as a catalyst in addressing key sustainability challenges, particularly in areas such as energy efficiency, carbon footprint reduction, water conservation, and operational waste management. At Ma’aden, we are committed to investing in innovation that enhances water conservation efforts. For instance, our major new gold project at Mansourah-Massarah is powered by a 58 MW hybrid solar power plant and relies 100% on recycled water, showcasing our commitment to sustainable water management.

Investing in innovation that enables the integration of cleaner energy sources into our operations to reduce our carbon footprint is also critical for us and we are developing an innovative application that integrates group-wide data sets for sustainability management and reporting. The development of this application involved collecting diverse data sets -emissions, water usage, and other relevant metrics from multiple sources, conducting rigorous data quality checks, and designing multiple visualisation layers. It was then enhanced with dynamic dashboards and interactive GenAI (Generative AI) report content. This application revolutionises information access, streamlines reporting, and optimises sustainability management at Ma’aden.

Another significant focus within Ma’aden is the valorisation of mineral processing residues through our Waste to Value Program. This program aims to transform mining and processing subproducts, commonly referred to as mining waste, into valuable products. We have ongoing projects focused on recovering critical minerals from bauxite residue, utilising residue in construction materials, and testing the combination of various residues for soil beneficiation. These initiatives align with our commitment to achieving zero-waste mining in the Kingdom and fostering a more sustainable mining industry.

We are actively exploring both emerging technologies and mature/advanced off-the-shelf solutions to optimise our operations including but not limited to: solar steam for renewable energy adoption, CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Sequestration) for low-emission technologies, and DLE (Direct Lithium Extraction) for innovative mineral processing, etc.

Ma’aden Ras Al Khair phosphate facility

Q How is Ma’aden incorporating advanced technologies to accelerate exploration efforts, enhance project development, and optimise operational performance?

Our commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technologies starts with comprehensive assessments of all projects. We thoroughly evaluate emerging advancements and innovative exploration techniques to accelerate our exploration efforts, enhance resource estimation accuracy, and streamline the project development process. For instance, we have best-in-class technologies that combine advanced geochemical analysis and geophysical surveys with AI ie, Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) and automated core scanning that are seamlessly integrated with advanced modelling software in real time via satellite connectivity. These have greatly benefited the exploration efforts of geologists, enabling them to enhance their understanding of subsurface structural features and optimise orebody knowledge to make more informed decisions and optimize their exploration efforts in the pursuit of valuable resources.

Furthermore, we are working with tools such as unified engineering and generative scheduling to transform our project development approach – integrating engineering and design, monitoring real-time data, digital twin data modelling, and simulating various scenarios using advanced analytics algorithms for better prediction and reduced efforts. Thus, enabling us to optimise mine design, construction, and project development.

By incorporating the latest tools and technologies such as 3D printing of critical spare parts, Smart industry readiness assessments, AI-based prediction modelling, drone technologies for aeromagnetic surveying, and robotics for inspection activities, we are positioning ourselves to achieve operational excellence and drive long-term value. These efforts underscore our commitment to innovation and our dedication to being a leader in the global mining industry.

Q How does Ma’aden foster collaborations and partnerships with technology providers, research institutions, startups, and industry experts to access the latest innovation?

We actively foster partnerships with various stakeholders, including technology providers, research institutions, startups, and industry experts, to drive our growth. These collaborations are instrumental in accessing the latest innovations and tailoring them to the specific requirements of our projects.

Our commitment to technology partnerships extends beyond local collaborations with leading universities. We actively seek collaborations with global startups and employ open innovation models to scout for innovations that address our critical challenges. For instance, finding innovative solutions to accelerate the process of analysing orebody mineralogy during mineral exploration activities to speed up the time for defining mineral resources, etc. By casting a wide net, we tap into a diverse pool of ideas, expertise, and cutting-edge solutions from around the world.

These partnerships are built on a foundation of trust and mutual benefit. We prioritise open communication, reliability, integrity, and transparency with our partners to foster strong relationships. Through collaborative projects, co-marketing efforts, and knowledge exchange, we ensure alignment and progress toward our shared goals.

Through strategic collaborations with esteemed partners including universities, research centres (KACST, RDIA, etc), industrial companies, start-ups, and government entities (such as PIF), the team remains at the forefront of the latest industry developments. By actively collaborating with a diverse range of partner stakeholders, the team harnesses collective expertise, resources, and cutting-edge technologies offered by these entities.

Ma’aden Mansourah-Massarah gold project

Q How does Ma’aden actively invest in innovation and increase its exposure to cutting-edge industry innovations through strategic partnerships, and internal R&D and technology teams?

Ma’aden is actively taking steps to increase its use and exposure to the latest innovations, both through internal investments in innovation and by setting defined goals to drive progress and value creation. One of the key ways, we enhance our exposure to cutting-edge industry innovations is through strategic partnerships with leading knowledge and R&D partners, both within the Kingdom and internationally. These collaborations provide us with access to state-of-the-art technologies and expertise, enabling us to enhance our operations and expand our capacity for implementation. An excellent example of our investment in innovation is a pilot program we embarked upon with a local leading university, which has the potential to extract lithium from a seawater source. This investment demonstrates our solid appetite for investing in innovative startups and our commitment to value creation.

Internally, we foster a culture of innovation and collaboration throughout the organisation. We have dedicated research and development teams that work closely with external partners, including startups, research institutions, and industry experts, to explore industry innovation and emerging technologies and their practical applications. This collaborative approach ensures that we are at the forefront of technological advancements and able to seize opportunities for operational enhancements and improved performance.

Furthermore, our Technology & Innovation team plays a pivotal role in transforming the way innovation opportunities are managed within the company. They establish efficient processes to nurture, evaluate, and bring innovative ideas to fruition, ensuring that potential innovations from all areas of the organisation, from operations to management, are effectively identified and developed.

Through these active measures, both internally and through external collaborations, Ma’aden is firmly committed to increasing our use and exposure to the latest innovations. We understand that investing in innovation is key to achieving our growth targets and maintaining a position of leadership in the mining sector.

At FMF 2024, Ma’aden signed a partnership agreement with Hexagon to work towards Mansourah Massarah becoming the Middle East’s first digital mine

Q Is the Future Minerals Forum playing an important role in your technological advancement?

The Future Minerals Forum (FMF) in Saudi Arabia plays a crucial role in driving our technological advancement by serving as a unique platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing. It brings together stakeholders from across the value chain and domains, including players from the public, private, and innovation sectors. This inclusive approach facilitates comprehensive discussions and collaboration, allowing us to benefit from the latest developments in the ecosystem while contributing our expertise.

FMF serves as a hub where regional and international technology providers, innovation partners, industry leaders, researchers, startups, and other stakeholders converge. Through conferences, workshops, and exhibitions, FMF provides opportunities to showcase innovations, establish partnerships, and share knowledge. The forum encourages open dialogue among the stakeholders, transfers of cutting-edge technologies, fosters research collaborations, and presents investment opportunities. By participating in FMF, we actively engage with stakeholders across the mining super region and globally. This engagement enables us to build new partnerships and collaborations that drive innovation on a global scale. The platform catalyzes discussions on the latest advancements and facilitates interactions that lead to fruitful collaborations.