Ampere to advance expertise in electric vehicles with an agile, innovation-oriented organization

London, 09 November 2023, (Oilandgaspress) – A clear illustration of Revolution, the third chapter in Renault Group’s strategic plan, Ampere has been launched becoming the first European EV and software pure player. The effective date for the creation of the company is November 1st, 2023.

To tackle the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities arising from the transformation of the automotive industry as well as face up to major climate concerns, Renault Group created Ampere, a new model of automotive company, aiming to become the European leader in the high-growth market of electric vehicles. Driven by tech, Ampere develops a horizontal model to be more agile and innovate faster. The objective is to democratize EVs in Europe, with vehicles that people can afford. Ampere will build on 15 years expertise in electric vehicles and combines an agile and efficient organisation to design fully electric vehicles for the European market, providing a unique customer experience.

Ampere was set up with a roadmap to integrate ESG throughout its value chain – in the products and services developed by the company, but also in its processes, creating a low-carbon circular economy.

The industrial and technological project pursued by Ampere strongly resonates in the European market, where Renault Group originated. It boasts a unique range of skills as well as a solid industrial and technological ecosystem that safeguards the entire value chain. Ampere operates 11 sites in France, among which four industrial facilities: ElectriCity facility which includes Douai, Maubeuge and Ruitz plants; and the Cléon factory.

The company employs over 11,000 people -35% of whom are engineers- who design, develop, manufacture and market high-performance, safe and sustainable vehicles under the Renault brand. Together, they pool all their efforts to bring about this large-scale transition to electric mobility.

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