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Senator Dalphond Delays Carbon Tax Exemption Bill That Would Make Food Affordable – Energy News for the Canadian Oil & Gas Industry |

Canadian Taxpayers Federation

OTTAWA, ON: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on Senator Pierre Dalphond to stop stalling Bill C-234, which extends the carbon-tax exemption to include natural gas and propane used on farms.

“Dalphond is making eggs, bread and milk more expensive,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director. “With his $170,000 annual salary, maybe Dalphond can afford to wait, but ordinary Canadians struggling to afford groceries need relief now.”

The federal government provided an exemption for farmers from carbon taxes on diesel and gasoline, but neglected to exempt natural gas and propane. Farmers use those fuels to dry grain and heat barns.

Bill C-234 would remove the carbon tax from these farm fuels. The House of Commons passed Bill C-234 on March 29, 2023. A previous bill also passed the House of Commons, but died in the Senate.

At the Senate’s agriculture committee, Dalphond stalled the bill with an amendment to remove the exemption for fuels used to heat barns.

“Why would senators want to make it more expensive for Canadian farmers to produce milk and eggs?” said Gage Haubrich, CTF Prairie Director. “Dalphond needs to withdraw his amendment to hammer barn-heating bills with carbon taxes and get this legislation passed.”

The Parliamentary Budget Officer shows that passing Bill C-234 would save farmers about $1 billion through 2030.

The Agriculture Carbon Alliance is a national coalition of 15 farm associations, including the Dairy Farmers of Canada, Grain Growers of Canada and the Canadian Cattle Association.

The ACA called on “all Senators to … show their support for farmers by ensuring Bill C-234’s swift passage into law.”

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For more information or to schedule interviews, please contact:

Franco Terrazzano
CTF Federal Director
Phone: 403.918.3532

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