London, January 30, 2025, (Oilandgaspress) –––Petrobras discloses its proved reserves of oil, condensate and natural gas, according to SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) regulation, estimated at 11.4 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe), as of December 31, 2024. Oil and condensate, and natural gas correspond to 85% and 15% of this total, respectively.

In 2024, Petrobras followed the trajectory of reserves addition (1.3 billion boe), with a reserve replacement rate (IRR) of 154%, focusing on profitable assets and keeping alignment with the search for a just energy transition, generating value for society and shareholders.
The reserves addition occurred mainly due to the progress in the development of Atapu and Sépia fields, and to the good performance of the assets, with emphasis on Búzios, Itapu, Tupi and Sépia fields in Santos Basin. There were no relevant changes related to the variation in the oil price.
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