Report finds risk from Cadia ‘low’

A Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) report into Newcrest’s Cadia Valley Operations has been made publicly available.

In late August, Newcrest reaffirmed its commitment to rebuilding trust and confidence with the community and the New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (NSW EPA) in relation to the Cadia gold mine’s air quality.

The statement came as the NSW EPA continued out its months-long investigation into the operations.

During this time, Newcrest commissioned SAGE Environmental Services to conduct an HHRA report. The assessment determined the potential risks to human health within the community surrounding Cadia from operating emissions from January 2022 – February 2023, as well as environmental sample data collected from a residential drinking water sampling program.

As reported by the ABC, the new HHRA report identified that point-of-use water was the largest risk factor for heavy metal exposure and has recommended that Newcrest introduce tank maintenance.

The HHRA report concluded that “the assessment of potential risks to human health from emissions from Cadia are considered to be low and acceptable”. Newcrest has since responded to the report’s findings.

“The findings of the HHRA conducted by Sage Environmental show that Cadia is operating within established health standards, and the potential risk of emissions to human health is low,” Newcrest said.

The report is expected to be reviewed by the EPA. A spokesperson for the environmental regulator said that all reporting and monitoring provided by Cadia is closely examined.

“We required Cadia to have this assessment peer-reviewed before its submission and the EPA will now have its own technical specialists review the report before it is provided to our independent expert panel for advice,” the EPA said.

The EPA will continue vent emission monitoring regularly and will provide a monthly report on dust discharges from one of Cadia’s main vents, and is currently reviewing a report on options to manage the risk of dust from the tailings dam.

“Once the EPA’s review of the options report has been completed, we will engage with Cadia to progress the most appropriate options,” the EPA said.