What Would The Executive EV Charging Station Of Our Dreams Look Like? – CleanTechnica

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As EV charging stations become ubiquitous, competition for which providers offer the best amenities while the charging occurs will become common. Like airport lounges, the executive EV charging station of the future will offer services well beyond electrons. With those options will come differing types of amenities, based on various levels of pricing.

Let’s have some fun here and imagine what a dream EV charging station experience could be like.

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Basics Made Available to All EV Drivers

No two travel experiences are ever the same, but any kind of travel can be difficult. As soon as an EV driver arrives and enters the executive lounge space, personnel will offer them warm hospitality and a heartfelt welcome. First impressions can be the most important takeaway.

Concierge: As soon as guests step inside, they’ll have the option of visiting with a well-informed concierge. That person will be a resource about all local events, services, attractions, and restaurants that they might enjoy. The concierge will provide EV drivers with information about their destinations, such as airports and airport parking. The concierge helps guests book and reserve so that they can relax, simply and easily. More than anything, the concierge offers peace-of-mind to EV travelers far from home.

A light welcome snack and beverage: Starting with locally-baked cookies, fresh bread, or a brimming bowl of organic fruit helps EV drivers and their passengers feel welcome. So, too, does an old-fashioned popcorn machine. Complimentary water refilling stations will be the norm. Coffee machines are a must. Offering guests a complimentary refreshing beverage like flavored water or seltzer from a machine will prevent single-use plastic contamination. Ice dispensers are usually built into these soda dispensers to prevent wastage, such as from filling entire coolers for the next leg of the trip.

Free Wifi: Wifi is a service that is absolutely necessary for travelers and is a basic amenity that all guests expect to have. Often guests arrive from out-of-state and don’t have mobile or internet service.  Being able to work seamlessly and freely browse the web on their devices puts guests at ease.

Ample recharging stations and wall outlets: It’s hard to keep all electronics charged up while on the road, so the executive EV lounge will have dedicated charging areas spread around the space. Additionally, offering global wall outlets will help EV occupants easily convert their electronic plugs to local standards.

Daily newspaper/library alcove: While most EV drivers today use a smartphone with personalized news apps, daily newspapers in the lounge offer a glimpse into headlines as well as the local cultural climate. The newspapers could be placed in an alcove where other publications could be perused, too — magazines, free-to-take novels, even puzzles to play while waiting for charging to complete.

Kid time: Because more and more upcoming EV models will be directed at families, extra value will be provided for this demographic by having kids’ toys and games available. The littler ones need time to stretch and refocus from the road, too.

Initial Upgrade Package

Many EV drivers will be willing to pay a small surcharge for enhanced amenities.

Valet drive-up service: The more upscale the EV charging experience will be, the more executive EV drivers will expect valet parking. The valet will be skilled in customer service, driving a variety of EV models, and using valet cards. Charging payment would likely take place through a one-time code that the valet would be given.

Restrooms with additional toiletries: In Europe, it is common to pay a fee for using a toilet while traveling. A specialized executive EV restroom foyer will have cushy chairs and mirrors for grooming. Much like the recent Massive Attack decarbonization live music tour, in which concert-goers who booked through the Train Hugger app were given free transfers by electric bus and a special guest bar with separate restrooms, this separate bathroom option will include personal-sized, toothpaste, lotion, combs, shaving cream, razors, and the like.

Game room: The EV executive lounge at this initial upgrade level will offer a dedicated space where video games can grab the visitor’s attention while their EV is charging.

Pool access: Depending on the weather and the EV charging station’s location, an easy upgrade will include entry into an indoor/ outdoor pool complex. This enjoyable activity helps the EV driver and pals to unwind. It will have loungers for reading, relaxing, and socializing — as well as a hot tub.

Bar: The executive EV lounge gives drivers and their passengers a place to unwind and socialize with other EV drivers, swapping stories about their vehicles, road trip adventures, and upcoming destinations. The bar will offer unique cocktails and mocktails.

VIP shopping at local merchants: The executive EV driver may like to take advantage of post-charging VIP opportunities, such as free samples at artisan food stops or curated dining specials at area restaurants. Local merchants seem to like to make these kinds of connections, as the reciprocity brings in new customers who might otherwise never stop by.

Luxury Package

Many EV drivers like to pamper themselves a little extra when on-the-road, so it will be appealing to them to a luxurious space designed for muscle relaxation, mindfulness, a bit of self-indulgence, or entertainment.

Exercise facilities: Driving is clearly a sedentary and sometimes stressful experience. A very attractive executive EV lounge option will be a fitness center where EV drivers and their passengers can go to work out and exercise. It will be equipped with treadmills, stationary bikes, weights, and other common gym accessories. It will even have exercise classes available as part of this luxury package.

Spa and wellness amenities: The luxury package will offer spa and wellness conveniences like a sauna, Jacuzzi, steam room, massage, and facials. Even scent diffusers, soothing eye pillows, or noise machines that allow EV drivers to catch a quick cat nap will be appreciated.

Bikes to borrow: Bike-friendly charging locations will be ideal spots for a guest fleet of bikes. It makes sense to have alternative ways to get around while the EV is charging. Higher end executive EV charging stations could even offer guided bike tours. (It will be important for EV drivers who want to bike to choose the valet option, too, so that the EV isn’t blocking others when done charging.)

Live entertainment: The most luxurious executive EV lounges will have dedicated spaces for live entertainment. This can be anything from a solo guitarist to a jazz trio. This gives EV drivers and their passengers fun ways to redirect their attention and settle in for some fun.

Business-on-the-Road Package

We’ve heard the stories of Tesla drivers who’ve converted their EVs into remote working spaces. In our future scenario, a separate executive EV package would be directed to such drivers who are working as they travel. With the common practice of remote work these days (such as I’m doing while I write this article), EV drivers combining business with pleasure will be provided the amenities they need to be successful.

Hardware: The business lounge will provide computers, printers, desks, cartels, carrels, and a professional environment. This is great for business travelers or those who are on vacation but still need to get some work done.

Laundry services: The executive EV lounge that caters to business travelers will provide the option of laundry services. Nowhere is it more difficult than on-the-road to present a professional appearance. Providing a fast turnaround ironing service will assist business travelers to switch from wrinkled to creased. While it will take longer, a wash-and-dry service will also be welcomed by remote EV business travelers.

Possible Pricing for the Executive EV Charging Experience

Each location will have its own pricing needs based on real estate, utility, labor, insurance, taxation, and other costs associated with doing business. But we can look to current models of upgraded travel experiences to get some ideas for our executive EV experiences.

Free experiences: EV charging stations already vary in their kWh pricing. So, too, will executive EV charging stations differ in costs to charge, especially if there are numerous free amenities offered alongside choosing this particular charging station. You have to pay to play, one way or the other.

One EV charging stop: Like airlines that allow a day pass, the enhanced experiences could run anywhere from a minimal cost of $10 free to up to $79 per person, depending on the level of amenities chosen.

Priority Pass: This would be an annual membership that would range in price from as little as $99 per year or range to $499 for premium offerings.

What would you like to see in an executive EV charging experience? Would you be willing to pay for such luxuries as you travel away from home? Let’s share ideas in the comments section.

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