Geoscience Australia looks to new era

Current Geoscience Australia chief executive officer (CEO) James Johnson is stepping down after holding the role since April 2017.

After eight years as CEO, Johnson said that the timing is right for him to transition into retirement.

“The organisation has never been in better shape,” Johnson said. “We have never been more respected, more relevant, or more relied upon and trusted to deliver.

“It is the perfect time for organisational renewal; an injection of fresh ideas and a fresh approach at the top to take an already strong organisation to new and greater heights.”

Over the past eight years, Geoscience Australia has generated many successes, from creating the Digital Earth Australia platform for satellite Earth observations, to delivering the Exploring for the Future program.

“Our pre-competitive geoscience programs, in concert with those of the state and Northern Territory geological surveys, have changed perceptions of Australia’s attractiveness for resources exploration, taking us from eight per cent of global exploration expenditure to 18 per cent over eight years, and delivered incredible outcomes, including securing vital groundwater resources for a number of remote communities,” Johnson said.

“Every day I feel privileged to lead this organisation and advocate for the work that our team does that is so valuable to the nation.”

The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) thanked Johnson for his years of service at Geoscience Australia, which he first joined in 2006.

The MCA said Geoscience Australia has gone from strength-to-strength with Johnson playing a key role, especially in the rollout of the $225 million Exploring for the Future program.

“Under Dr Johnson’s leadership, mineral exploration expenditure in Australia reached a record high of $4.2 billion in 2023,” MCA CEO Tania Constable said.

“Exploration is an essential part of the minerals industry. It takes 16 years for a mine to move from exploration to production and Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program has assisted in revealing Australia’s minerals, energy and groundwater resource potential.”

A recruitment process in underway for a successor, with Johnson continuing as CEO until an appointment is made.

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