Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions has been awarded a contract by Australian gold miner Northern Star Resources to supply 32 pieces of mobile equipment for its operations in Australia.
Under the contract, Sandvik will deliver 17 Toro TH663i underground trucks, ten Toro LH621i underground loaders, four Toro LH517i underground loaders and a Sandvik DD422i development jumbo with dual control.
Sandvik plans to commence delivery of the loaders and trucks in Q3 2023 and continue into Q2 2025. The drill is due to be delivered in Q2 2024.
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions Australia and New Zealand sales area vice-president Wayne Scrivens said: “This commitment underscores the partnership between Northern Star and Sandvik and reflects trust in our advanced, intelligent technology that helps make our customers more productive, more profitable and more sustainable.”
With a carrying capacity of 63 tonnes, the Toro TH663i truck features low-weight, efficient engine technology and fast ramp speeds.
The truck has operator speed assist as a standard feature to automatically limit the vehicle’s top speed during level and downhill driving.
Designed to provide superior hydraulic power for fast bucket filling, the Toro LH517i loader features a powerful drivetrain to enable high-speed tramming and increased productivity.
The Toro LH621i loader can swiftly clear tunnel headings for rapid advance rates and is intended for rapid mine development and large-scale underground production.
The loader features superior hydraulic power for fast bucket filling and drivetrain power for high ramp speeds.