Macmahon invests in hydraulic excavators at Matarbe after successful study – International Mining

In its just released 2024 Sustainability Report, mining contracting major Macmahon laid out its commitment to minimising its impacts on the environment by collaborating with clients to reduce, recycle, and rehabilitate, as well as promoting environmental and sustainability awareness and identifying energy efficient and carbon reduction opportunities.

In FY24, Macmahon established its first three- year ESG roadmap based on its FY23 strategy and sustainability framework, establishing strong foundations for its ESG strategy. It is already progressing, with Scope 1 and 2 emissions dropping from 2,004 tonnes CO2-e in FY23 to 1,871 tonnes CO2-e in FY24. A Climate Transition Plan will be developed in FY25 to demonstrate how Macmahon will transition to a low carbon future, outlining its pathway to achieve interim and long-term carbon targets, decarbonisation goals and drive positive outcomes.

At the Martabe Gold Mine in Indonesia, Macmahon partnered with the Indonesian Komatsu dealer United Tractors to conduct a comprehensive fuel usage study evaluating the performance of hybrid excavators. The study aimed to compare the efficiency and environmental impacts of a Komatsu HB365-1 hybrid hydraulic excavator against a Komatsu PC300-8MO excavator. The study involved collecting and analysing three months of machine data, followed by comparing the results through a controlled comparison test.

To ensure accurate and reliable results, the following conditions were maintained throughout the controlled comparison test:

  • Same Operator: Both excavators were operated by the same individual to eliminate variations in operator performance.
  • Good Condition: Both machines were maintained in optimal condition, ready for testing.
  • Same Material: The excavators worked with identical materials to ensure consistency.
  • Method: The application and time distribution were kept the same for both excavators.

The study produced the following notable outcomes. Machine data showed the Komatsu HB365-1 hybrid hydraulic excavator demonstrated a 9.6% per hour reduction in fuel consumption compared to the Komatsu PC300-8MO. The actual comparison test confirmed the Komatsu HB365-1 hybrid hydraulic excavator demonstrated a 9.27% per hour reduction in fuel consumption compared to the Komatsu PC300-8MO in high swing time activities in a loading cycle. The potential carbon savings achieved with the HB365-1 hybrid excavator equate to 6 kg per hour.

Macmahon adds: “The fuel usage study highlights the significant advantages of using hybrid excavators in mining and civil infrastructure operations. The Komatsu HB365-1 hybrid hydraulic excavator not only cut fuel consumption but also significantly boosted efficiency, allowing more work to be done with the same fuel while offering potential carbon savings. As a result, Macmahon now operates seven hybrid excavators at the Martabe mine site across various mining and civil works. These findings underscore Macmahon’s commitment to working with OEM partners to ensure we are working to sustainable practices and innovation in mining and civil infrastructure operations, paving the way for more environmentally friendly and cost-effective solutions in the industry.”